Thursday, July 21, 2011

Walid Shoebat: Ex-Terrorist Fraud and Clown


  1. Walid Shoebat is a hero for calling out the pisslamists and their moon-god as the lies that they are. We need more people like him, Robert Spencer, and Pamella Geller to show us the real life threats of creeping sharia and stealth jihad. We need to get rid of Caliph Hussein Obama and get a real American in office like Sarah Palin or Herman Cain. You pisslamists days are numbered ;^D

  2. @ Robert: The Oslo terrorist was inspired by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. They are real life threats to so many innocent people. Moreover, Cain consistently shows that he plans on tearing up the Constitution with his comments about restricting the rights of Muslims. He is the most un-American politician I can think of.

    1. Shoebat is more informed than CNN could ever be and CNN is a joke! Wallid is a commited Christian and a extremely knowledgable man in biblical eschatolgy and middle east politics. Theres no two ways about it he's got his thumb on the heart beat of Islam and is trying his best to inform the US. Open your eyes people!!!!!! Stop being such haters!

  3. This is nothing but an Alinsky style attack story and site to discredit someone working to expose Barack Hussein Obama for what he is; a Manchurian deceiver of the people. CNN is quick to jump on the defend BO band wagon, like good little Commies in disguise, they use useful idiots to spread their propaganda. Not knowing the Islamofascist they help would cut their throats as soon as they outlive their usefulness. This gotya game there playing, will come back to bite them in the worst way. Their investment in there so called leader is a reflection of their own moral turpitude and lack of personal direction, together with some unadulterated ignorance. Just remember when you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. Stupid.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Shoebat wants to revive Crusades against Muslims and other heretics? a.k.a. Protestants!!! "Its going to take a miracle to revive the old Crusading spirit".

  6. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ.
    John 3:36 (KJV)
    36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
    Where do you stand?

  7. Walid Shoebat tells the truth !!!


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  9. I came looking for the fraud (active) terrorist that sucks up millions of tax payer money....and have not even seen his golf club! Where is Barry of Indonesia?

  10. This is a hate webpage .there is NO evidence for what you say and its all out of date and done just as he came out of it.he needs to be rebuked for his language and roman false teaching but 1):you are not even a brother in Christ.2):you have an enormous logg in your own.we victims know previsely what hate mongers you are.even here.and of course you are going to slander and dig fights mudslinging is imature and precisely because of this bulkying unsubstanciated nonsense no evidence you dont even state your sources or investigate and like all you ignore everything that proves your ststements wrong just like all persecuting bighots social workers bullies solicitirss who facilitatd the human courts snd the ungodly in stitching up their clients.been there done that got the T-shirt.

  11. This is a hate webpage .there is NO evidence for what you say and its all out of date and done just as he came out of it.he needs to be rebuked for his language and roman false teaching but 1):you are not even a brother in Christ.2):you have an enormous logg in your own.we victims know previsely what hate mongers you are.even here.and of course you are going to slander and dig fights mudslinging is imature and precisely because of this bulkying unsubstanciated nonsense no evidence you dont even state your sources or investigate and like all you ignore everything that proves your ststements wrong just like all persecuting bighots social workers bullies solicitirss who facilitatd the human courts snd the ungodly in stitching up their clients.been there done that got the T-shirt.

  12. This is a hate webpage .there is NO evidence for what you say and its all out of date and done just as he came out of it.he needs to be rebuked for his language and roman false teaching but 1):you are not even a brother in Christ.2):you have an enormous logg in your own.we victims know previsely what hate mongers you are.even here.and of course you are going to slander and dig fights mudslinging is imature and precisely because of this bulkying unsubstanciated nonsense no evidence you dont even state your sources or investigate and like all you ignore everything that proves your ststements wrong just like all persecuting bighots social workers bullies solicitirss who facilitatd the human courts snd the ungodly in stitching up their clients.been there done that got the T-shirt.

  13. very funny and interesting blog,i really like your Ex-Terrorist Fraud and Clown,thanks for sharing.

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  14. Just a typical hack piece, no evidence, he can not bring a shred if data to support his claims, then wants to try to denounce someone without providing proof, wonder why I am not surprised. Kind of reminds me of the rest of the Palestinian claims.
